Solar Rooftop System For Home

We are No.1 solar rooftop system for Home in Ahmedabad, India

We, at Rooftop Solar System, have years of experience in this field and provide the highest quality solar home power plant in Ahmedabad. The Ministry of New and Renewable provides a 30% subsidy on the benchmark cost of a solar power rooftop system for homes. The systems we provide range in size from 1 kw to 100 kw and the solar home power plant is known for producing 100% pollution-free green energy. In Ahmedabad, we are the leading manufacturer and exporter of Solar Rooftop Systems for Homes. The amount of sunshine accessible throughout the year, as well as the space available on the rooftop, are essential factors in calculating the amount of electricity that may be generated. By capturing one hour of direct sunshine, a standard home solar panel may produce roughly 300 watts.

If the sun shines for eight hours, the solar panel can generate 2000-2500 watts of electricity. This is because India lies in the northern hemisphere and because the globe spins on its axis at an angle, south-facing roofs receive the most sunshine. If the roof is flat, however, solar panels must be installed at an angle pointing south to get the most sunlight. Furthermore, high-rise houses should not obstruct solar panels’ exposure. As a result, a well-designed rooftop system may effectively supply electricity without relying on grid power, saving money that would otherwise be spent on grid power.

Rooftop Solar System assists consumers in determining the best solar rooftop system for their homes. Rooftop Solar System takes care of everything from manufacturing to sales to installation and after-sales services. However, the choice of an appropriate kind of rooftop solar system influences the system’s cost. Each variety has its own set of components, and the pricing may change based on which one the customers prefer to choose.

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Solar Panel Subsidy in Ahmedabad
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